Colon hydroTherapy
Reach your health goals by allowing us to assist your body’s ability to heal, naturally.
Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, colon cleanse, or colon irrigation, is a safe and effective method of removing toxins from the large intestines without the use of drugs.
Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
- Improve bowel motility for better regularity and optimal elimination of stool waste from the body.
- Decrease body inflammation by reducing the recirculation and absorption of endotoxins from stool waste.
- Wash out parasites and other intestinal pathogens, such as yeast (candida).
- Improve immune function (70% of immune function comes from the gut).
- Improve hydration and clarity of the skin.
- Improve mental clarity and mood (90% of our Neurotransmitters important for mood and sleep are made in our gut.)
- Improve relaxation and shift body into “Rest and Digest” from the “Fight or Flight” state.
- Weight loss and reduction of intestinal gas and bloating.
- Reduce risk of colon cancer and other common intestinal conditions, such as diverticulosis/diverticulitis.