Prolozone Therapy

Reach your health goals by allowing us to assist your body’s ability to heal, naturally.


Prolozone Therapy is the art of “helping the body heal itself” with injection of a “proliferating” agent into an injured or degenerated area of the body.

With Prolozone Therapy, you are essentially bringing the immune system’s attention to an area of injury or pain, allowing it to bring healing factors to reduce pain, inflammation and to stimulate healing.

What is Prolozone?
This is a form of prolotherapy that utilizes the healing power of nutrients and activated oxygen (ozone) to reduce pain and inflammation AND to REGENERATE and HEAL damaged tissues. PROLOZONE has been shown to REDUCE PAIN and INDUCE HEALING in:

  • Arthritic Degenerative Joints
  • Vertbral Disc Disease
  • Sciatic Low Back Pain
  • Injured Ligaments and Tendons
  • Trigger Points/Muscle Spasms
  • Heel Spurs/Plantar Fasciitis
  • Prostate Glands